

On 6th of December – St. Nikolaus Day – it is common in Germany and our family that Nikolaus brings sweet little men called “Stutenkerle” ( transl. breadmen ) overnight. These funny guys are made of a sweet yeast dough. Very delicious for breakfast. They taste best fresh baked, that’s why Nikolaus is a little

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White bread

  The Bakery Project  –  Diary  –  07 White Bread is very popular in South Africa. The Black Forest Bakery is baking wonderful white bread. When the fresh loaves come out of the oven I can never resist to taste it immediately; toasted is equally good. It sells here for 13 Rand – which is

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This is a typical bread from the Provence in France: Fougasse. It is a bread made of yeast and with lots of olive oil. Additionally you can add dried tomatos, rosemary, thyme, bacon, garlic, sliced olives or anchovies – whatever you like. Fougasse is perfect for a picnic, for a barbecue or simply with an

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Beside Baguette a Brioche is a typical French Bread. In Paris I have seen Brioche in every bakery. Lying in the shop window in quantities I can never pass without buying one. The brioches look so tasty and when you enter the bakery the smell of fresh bread waves in your nose and you can’t

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