
The Bakery Project – Diary – 03 

It is spring in South Africa and spring means strawberry time. For me it is the second strawberry season this year – a really fortunate coincidence. In the bakery we made little pastry tartlets. We filled them with custard cream and decorated them with strawberries as you can see on top.

We baked short pastry tartlets in silver cups. How many tartelets you will get of the following recipe depends of the seize you will choose.
Short pastry
250 g butter
200 g casting sugar
a pinch of salt
500 g flour
4 egg yolks
4 tablespoons ice-cold milk
or ice-cold water
Mix butter, sugar and salt creamy. Add flour and egg yolks until you have a crumbly mixture. Add the ice-cold water or milk and work all this quickly into a smooth dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for about 1 hour in the fridge.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Roll out the dough and cut circles which fits to your silver cups. Put the circles in the cups and bake them for 10-15 minutes. Let the baked tartlets cool down.
Spread some melted chocolate in the tartlets before you fill them. The filling is vanilla custard mixed with whipped cream. 
500 ml milk
2 egg yolks
powder from 1 vanilla bean
1 vanilla sugar ( 8g )
1 tablespoon sugar
5 full teaspoons cornstarch 
250 ml cream
Heat up 400 ml milk, add the vanilla bean powder. Mix the remaining milk with vanilla sugar, sugar and cornstarch to a smooth consistence. Boil the milk and add the remaining milk mixture. While stiring boil the mixture up again. Let the custard cool down. Whipp the cream and mix it with the custard.
Fill the custard mix in the tartlets and decorate them with strawberry slices or other fruits.
If you like you can cover the tartlets with cake glaze.
Spring in South Africa, September 2017