
On 6th of December – St. Nikolaus Day – it is common in Germany and our family that Nikolaus brings sweet little men called “Stutenkerle” ( transl. breadmen ) overnight.
These funny guys are made of a sweet yeast dough. Very delicious for breakfast. They taste best fresh baked, that’s why Nikolaus is a little bit stressed in the night from 5th to 6th of December each year. But he is happy when he is able to see lucky faces while eating the Stutenkerle. Sometimes they have a little white pipe made of clay in their mouth as well. Unfortunately these were out this year. 
Here is St. Nikolaus’ recipe for these delicious little men:
Ingredients   for 4-5 Stutenkerle
500 g flour
100 g sugar
1 g fresh yeast
¼ ltr. milk
1 package vanilla sugar (8 g)
a pinch of salt
100 g butter (room temperature)
for decoration:1 egg yolk mixed with a few milk
currants, raisons or dried cranberries
Prepare a pattern for the breadmen. Heigth 27 cm.
On December the 5th at 8 am heat up the milk lukewarm and dissolve the yeast in the milk. Mix all ingredients together and put the dough in a bowl. Cover the dough with a lid or cling wrap. Now the dough has to rest for 24 hours at room temperature. Always after about 8 hours you have to stretch and fold the dough. Meanwhile let it rest again. On December the 6th at 6 am knead the dough and spread it. With the pattern and a knife cut out the Stutenkerle. Put them on a baking tray with baking paper. Brush the men with the egg/milk mixture and decorate them with almonds and currants.
Preheat the oven to 180° C. Bake the Stutenkerle for about 15 – 20 minutes.
Surprise your family or friends with these warm and fragrant breadmen.



If you don’t have time to let the dough rest for 24 hours you can prepare it with 25 g of yeast. Mix all ingredients at 10 pm and let the dough rest for overnight only. The advantage to bake with less yeast is that you will not taste the yeast in your baking good.