Mini Raspberry Muffins

These little muffins are coming with a surprise.
Each muffin hides one fresh rasberry. Summertime is raspberry time so take the advantage to get fresh raspberries for these delicious muffins with white chocolate. The recipe is from Linda Lomelino, I modified it to smaller cute muffins topped with buttercream.

200 g flour
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
180 g sugar
pinch of salt
100 g soft butter
2 eggs (room temperature)
150 g yoghurt or sour cream (room temperature)
½ teaspoon ground vanilla
50 g white chocolate
50 g fresh raspberries

Muffin baking tray for 24 little Muffins

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Butter the baking tray.
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Add butter, eggs, yoghurt and vanilla and mix it into a smooth dough. Chop the chocolate and mix it with the dough. Space the dough out evenly into the muffin tray. Press one raspberry into each muffin until it’s covered with dough. Back the muffins for 15 minutes. To control if the dough is done, carefully stick a toothpick into the dough – if it comes out with no dough stuck to it, its done.

200 g soft butter
200 g icing sugar
100 g fresh raspberries

Mix butter and icing sugar with a whisk until everything is mixed smoothly. Mash the raspberries and press them through a sieve with a tablespoon in order to get out the seeds. Mix the remaining raspberry sauce with the buttercream and spread the mixture on the muffins with a forcing bag. If you like, you can also decorate each muffins with a raspberry.